About me

I'm a Software Engineer turned Consultant. I look for opportunities to work with great people at organizations I respect and admire.

I worked at Facebook (now Meta) for almost ten years. I was a founding engineer on the Site Integrity team. I designed and built several services to protect users on Facebook (WhatsApp & Instagram too). Over the years, I helped grow that team to more than fifty engineers, designers and PMs.

Later, I was an early engineer on the small team that designed and built the Summit Learning Platform. In addition to building significant chunks of the product, I also helped it scale two orders of magnitude.

Prior to consulting, I also did short stints at CZI (making a de novo genome assembler more memory-efficient) and Airtable (improving performance across the stack).

What can I do for you?


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  consult <at> bhal · dev
  consult <at> bhal · xyz   (For the privacy conscious: This email domain is hosted at ProtonMail. Any email sent to it from another ProtonMail address is end-to-end-encrypted.)
  bhal <at> pbjengineering · com